HILLINGAR® focus on smart stock management and continuous improvement in all areas of the Supply Chain.
From getting the most out of your ERP business system to our practical hands on Operational improvements.
Our team are your Go-To experts, with over 30 years experience supporting SME's and Blue Chip companies around the UK & Europe.

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We leave the expensive words and long reports, that never get actioned, for other consultancy businesses.
HILLINGAR's refreshing and hands on approach means we work with everyone to resolve problems and eliminate vulnerabilities.
We ensure your People, Systems and Stock work together to maximise capabilities & capacity, whilst minimising costs & liabilities.

What our clients are saying about us

"HILLINGAR supported Argyll in developing a stronger business strategy. The professional team understood our business & range of services. They quickly analysed our data and provided excellent information, guidance & recommendations".

Antony Turck, Managing Director, Argyll Environmental Limited
Next testimonial >>

HILLINGAR's refreshing and hands on approach tackles these issues head on, mitigating and eliminating risks, ensuring your People, Systems and Stock work together. HILLINGAR enables your business to maximise its capabilities and capacity.

Are your Purchase and Production plans right?
Does your MRP system give you the right results?

Ensure your teams have a comprehensive view of the future predictions for sales and purchasing/production requirements.

Is your warehouse layout correct?
Have you run out of space?

Quickly increase efficiency, create space & reduce costs by making improvements to your warehouse, layout & processes.

Does your ERP system frustrate you?
Do you have the clear information you need?

Enable people, processes and systems to work in harmony and make your system work for you rather than fighting with it.

Do you plan your sales and forecasts or do you guess them?
Do you buy enough, at the right time?

Specialist forecasting and demand planning reduces costs and stock and helps you with strategic decision making.

Do you think your finance budgets too tight or too easy?
Is it difficult to justify your budgets?

By modelling the future scenarios we can help you manage the complex process of budgeting with quantified detail.

Are your physical operations efficient?
Does is seem harder than it should?

Achieve step changes to ensure your physical operations keep up with your Business and reduce undue stress.

Does your data help with everyday business decisions?
Do want KPIs and Dashboards?

Turn your data into truly valuable and useable information, Exception reports, KPIs and Dashboards.

Do you wish projects went smoother?
Do you need help managing change?

All developments within a business require an aspect of “people” change. We provide change support, training & documentation.

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